Better Upgarde SSD or RAM?

Syahrul Samudra
2 min readJun 9, 2020

That two upgrades is important for an old laptop in now day. Because now day app really heavy to load, like google chrome or the latest office product from Microsoft.

So what necessary think that we have to upgrade, the ram or the storage with SSD?

Let’s talk about the uses of SSD and ram itself.

So basically SSD is storage that can store our data in that thing. The difference between SSD and HDD is the speed of data transfer. So what the impact to our computer if the data transfer is fast?
Well, when our computer has good storage with high data transfer rate, it’s making our computer has high speed to access data in a system that makes our computer fast too when opening some app. Basic SATA SSD has data transfer rate about 500 mb/s or higher, compared to HDD who just have data transfer rate about 100 mb/s. So when u upgrade your computer to SSD storage, its make your computer turn into speed monster.

And let's talk about RAM. RAM is hardware that store your app when it's open. More ram you have, more app you can open in one time. But ram not so improve your computer speed when you upgrade it.

So if you are a powerful user who works with open a bunch of apps i think you need to update your ram first.
But if u just need fast computer without opening a bunch of app in the same time, i recommend upgrading your storage to SSD first.

